

Botanical Sun Catcher – Add some cheerful color to your home with flowers.

Clay Plant Impressions – Take a closer look at nature with these plant impressions.

DIY Plastic Bag Project – Upcycling ideas to turn grocery bags into creations

Maple Seed Dragonfly – Make a dragonfly out of seeds, twigs and paint.

Marbled Paper – How to use shaving cream and food coloring for crafts.

Ojos de Dios – Yarn Art

Rock Art – Rock painting ideas.

Nature Paintbrushes – Create your own set of nature paintbrushes.

Nature Tree – Print the tree and glue on your nature findings.

Paper Tulips – Fold a tulip bouquet out of printer paper

Simple Bug Motel – Create an environment for bugs.

Slime – How to make slime

Scribble Art – Art through scribbling

Upcycled Bird Feeders – Recycle materials into a bird feeder

Watercolor Fish – Paint with Water Color

Woven Turtle – Make a turtle out of yarn.

clay plant impressions
rock painting activities
Paper tulips
Woven turtle