Camp Kirby CIT Program

Counselor in Training

Counselor in Training

The CIT program is a learning intensive program intended to help individuals who might want to become camp counselors make the transition from camper to staff member. Although the CITs have a great deal of fun and can participate in many camp activities, it also involves a large academic component. Being accepted as a CIT may involve an interview with the CIT Director or Camp Director before camp begins. CITs are accepted via an application process. Applications are due no later than March 1st, 2024. Late applications will not be accepted.

Applying for our CIT Program is a two-step process.

  1. The CIT Application must be filled out online. 2024 Application. 
  2. The applicant must complete a 500+ word personal statement (full directions and details can be found in the CIT Application) and submit it to within one week of completing the online application.

CIT 1 is a 3 week long program for campers entering 11th grade (and who are between the ages of 16 and 18, unless the Camp Director has approved otherwise).

  • CIT 1: Sessions 5-7, July 21st-August 10th, 2024– CITs do go home for Saturday nights between each week.

CIT 2 is a 3 week program for campers who are entering 12th grade, and who have completed the CIT 1 program at Camp Kirby.

  • CIT 2: Session 1-3, June 23rd-July 13th, 2024– CITs do go home for Saturday nights between each week.

2024 CIT Rates

CIT 1 – $995

CIT 2 – $450